Tupac's "hologram" may go on tour.
You guys, the internets gave me chills today. That never happens. Cats flying. Babies rapping. Who cares? I can skillfully ignore even the most impossible, mind boggling, and profound vids/pix/blurbs shared online. But this reincarnated Tupac is something new and different. I've been a fan for a long time (until I just found out a couple weeks ago that he was a rapist - BUMMER). It was amazing to see CGI Tupac doing choreographed moves with Snoop. I can't wait to see "holograms" of Hitler and Michael Jackson walking down Hollywood Blvd. But that's not the most interesting part.
When Tupac burst into light and disappeared (pretty cool), it was easy to imagine the epic stage show that could be produced with this technology. Flawless lasers and dragons and Britney Spears making out with Jesus Christ all throbbing in time with the jams. Can you imagine?! It would be like the Stone Mountain Lasershow times a billion! And how much more infinitely manageable would that be than a real big time concert tour? No tour buses. No bitchy divas or demanding entourages. No riders!?? They could just download the whole night's bundle of images to project and be done with the whole unnecessary, extravagant shit show spectacle. OBSOLETE.
But then you would never see Courtney Love throw her bra into the audience and then demand that someone else give her their bra because she felt self conscious. Or see a groupie megafan slowly grab hold of Garth Brook's crotch which he then removes equally slowly with full composure. Or hear the amazing between song banter of Blixa telling the audience that the waste basket he's been banging on has been around the world 7 times and then saucily, germanishly asking how many times the audience has been around the world.
Give me wardrobe malfunctions or give me death! I like hearing about greedy, big baby rockstars terrible demands. I also like lasers. And that unnamed feeling when you first interact with a new technology that you can tell will soon be ubiquitous. What shall we call that feeling? Future—I'm ready for you!
I predict Jesus holograms in those mega neo born again churches in like 5 seconds.